
Showing posts from September, 2021

Group Presentations Blog

  There are two types of speakers, those who have a fear of public speaking, and those who don’t. Research from 2019 shows that about 74% of people suffer from speech anxiety. Fear of public speaking is known as glossy phobia. People like Elon Musk, Bill Gates, different Presidents all know the thing when it comes to public speaking, confidence is key. Why is public speaking so important. In democracy it can help you exercise your rights to free speech and be a member of your society. As a life skill you learn how to think critically problem solve, decision making, conflict resolution, and team building. At work and in your career, you need strong communication skills. We speak now more than ever and are connected more than ever. With social media and technology public speakers are more in demand. Universities, colleges, and businesses all use public speakers to speak with students or employees. There are 7 components of the communication process.  The source is the presenter or spea

Group Presentation Blog

   Summary on Group Presentations by Elizabeth Bracho        Our class was divided into groups to discuss and create presentations on chapters of the 2013 edition of iSpeak. In this blog I will be doing an overview and summarizing the contents of each groups presentation. 😸 Group 1 Presentation: The Basics of Presentations How to Properly Give a Presentation                  Group 1 covered chapters 1-4 of the textbook. Their presentation discussed many important topics such as how to prepare for your presentation, how to select your topic, and how to analyze your audience. These factors are crucial to create a structured and well-thought-out speech. Alexandra was the first presenter. She explained that there were nine parts in chapter 1 but she decided to discuss the first three. The first part (Speaking excites) talked about how there are two types of people when it comes to public speaking. Those who love it and those who hate it. I would consider myself the type she mentioned dyin

Group Presentation Post

Speech Group Presentation Gavin Garcia Introduction: Our assignment for this Speech class was to create a group presentation about the chapters we were given from the book iSpeak: Public Speaking for Contemporary Life 2013 Edition. Our objective was to read and understand the different concepts and techniques that are used in Public Speaking, to help the audience understand the information you are spitting out. We were separated into 3 different groups, each group having its own leader, and the work was split off into pairs of two or three to fill in their slides.  Group 1 Group 1 had the assignment to go over Chapters 1-4. To start off their presentation, I feel like Camille had a great introduction of how she would like her partners to speak up when they need the slide switched. When Alexandra was speaking about how some people are scared during public speaking, and some are not, it seemed like she was very comfortable to be speaking to the class. It was a great speech on her part an

Group Presentation Blog

Group Presentation Blog  by Jennie Rodriguez Our class was divided into 3 groups, all given different chapters to discuss and elaborate the information from. We based all our information from the book iSpeak: Public Speaking for Contemporary Life 2013 Edition which provided the role of a clear foundation of the basics of public speaking. First and foremost, I really enjoyed this project and I feel that I have ended this project with more knowledge of the subject than before especially now since I feel like i have stepped out of my comfort zone and will now be more relaxed when it comes to speaking publicly. This project was a way for me and all my classmates to learn the basics of public speaking and was a perfect introduction to the class. Group 1: Personally, I think Group 1 did an exceptional job. I extremely liked how Camille introduced  her group and how she presented everyone's section. Alexandra Blanco was the first up to present and she did such a good job familiarizing me

Group Presentation Blog

     Overview Of Our Group Presentations By Jonathan Acosta     During this project we all learned information that was taught to us by different groups. This blog will consist of a general overview of all the groups and their presentations.      To begin, I want to congratulate all the groups and their members for doing a phenomenal job on their slides and presentations. It was an amazing experience to have as a class since we really got to know each other and to really see how each and every one of us have a different way of elaborating and expressing ourselves during our presentations towards an audience. This was my first college project, and it was a fantastic learning opportunity. Even though this class is online, we still found ways to work as a team during and after class to be able to have a wonderful explanation and presentation to our fellow classmates. This group project really taught me multiple things that I would have never imagined. Essentially, it made me step out of m