Group Presentation Post

Speech Group Presentation

Gavin Garcia

Introduction: Our assignment for this Speech class was to create a group presentation about the chapters we were given from the book iSpeak: Public Speaking for Contemporary Life 2013 Edition. Our objective was to read and understand the different concepts and techniques that are used in Public Speaking, to help the audience understand the information you are spitting out. We were separated into 3 different groups, each group having its own leader, and the work was split off into pairs of two or three to fill in their slides. 

Group 1

Group 1 had the assignment to go over Chapters 1-4. To start off their presentation, I feel like Camille had a great introduction of how she would like her partners to speak up when they need the slide switched. When Alexandra was speaking about how some people are scared during public speaking, and some are not, it seemed like she was very comfortable to be speaking to the class. It was a great speech on her part and she really went into detail with her slides and did not leave any information hanging out. Alejandro did a great job explaining the 7 components of the Communication Process, and he made sure to speak slow to make sure the audience can understand and keep up with what he is explaining. He also used the example of Abraham Lincoln to make sure the entire audience can understand and relate to what he is explaining. Amalimar kept her voice in a steady tone when explaining how to become an effective speaker. Amanda was next up and she gave a list of tips to use to help plan out your presentation. I feel like I used a lot of these tips on my own presentation before I went up to give my speech. It is very important for people to plan out their presentations and make sure they use their resources effectively to help clear up their ideas. Andres introduced the common types of first presentations and made a clear statement on how to catch the attention of the audience to make sure they are not zoning out and paying full attention to the speaker. Daimary used a great number of visual aids to make sure the audience is giving her slides full attention. She also added a video at the end of her turn to fully summarize how to figure out your audience. Overall I feel like Group 1 had a great speech and everyone really contributed a lot of hard work into their words and slides to make sure the knowledge from the book was taught correctly. They seemed very confident throughout their speeches and made sure everyone understand the order they must speak in. 

Group 2

Group 2 had the assignment to go over Chapters 5-9. David did a great job at being the group leader and really made sure we all did our parts. Jennie was the first one to go up and she went over the benefits of research. She used quite a lot of visual aids, which included bullet points, pictures, and a YouTube video. This helped with the introduction of bullet points as a good way to arrange the content and seeing her using them on her own slides really backed up the effectiveness. Jonathan gave great tips on the best way to improve how you speak or act throughout an interview. He goes into detail on how to improve your word choices and how to be flexible when speaking about a topic that some people cannot relate to. This way they do not feel left out of the conversation. Idilia went over the effective way to deliver your speech. The delivery is probably the most important part of your speech as it is what you do as this planning and practicing for. So it should be very important to be very interactive with your gestures Overall I feel like my Group did an outstanding job. There was the usage of the concepts they were discussing within their slides and it was very important to help demonstrate how effective these concepts really are. The slides really helped keep the attention of the audience because of the pictures and videos. 

Group 3

Group 3 had the assignment to go over the "Types of Presentations" Lisa started off the presentation with the introduction of an informative presentation. Lisa did a great job delivering her speech and her voice was set at a calm and steady tone throughout her speech. For her second slide, she made sure to include a handful of photos to connect the thoughts of the audience to her speech and images. Joshua had quite a lot of information on his slides to help remind him of all the topics he must cover. I feel like it might be a little distracting with the amount of text on the slides, but he did a great job of not reading off the slides. Liza had very important messages to express, but I felt like her reading off of the slide kind of dimmed the importance of her ideas. It was more of a settled tone and it was not very enthusiastic, and I feel like it restricted her delivery. Karen had great slides but I also feel like the organization of her slides kind of threw off the attention of the audience. It seemed as if the slides were messy but she had all the correct information listed, other than that she gave a great speech for her work. Leonardo was very enthusiastic in his speech and he seemed very comfortable giving a speech to the rest of the class. He was my favorite place to listen to and his energy was unmatched compared to everyone else. His slides had a lot of information that the audience can understand and even if you felt left out he gave a much easier example to understand. Overall I feel like Group 3 all did their own part and like the rest of the groups, there is always room for improvement. 

This assignment was very effective in helping every student in this class understand the best way to deliver a speech with confidence and it really helped me learn some new techniques. I hope with the knowledge that I gained, I can be more comfortable and relaxed when giving a speech.


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