group presentation blog

 Presenting a presentation could be frighten and many people suffer from anxiety. But you could get better in front of people and not get scared anymore but it takes practice and repetition. My classmates made presentations about how many things could help you out and become an expert at presenting in front of many people. Theres many details and information to get into. 

We started off in groups 1 where is starting it off Alexandra that she wrote out about about 74% of people suffer from anxiety and more women than men. Many famous people are known for public speaking like Elon Musk. Studying public speaking is really important because it can help you in the future. You will start to build up your confidence and getting the hang of the pressure of having many people looking at you and being scared of saying something wrong and messing everything wrong. The 7 components of communication process are: A source, receiver, message, channel, feedback, situation, and noise. with those things you now have to build around that. You have to try to entertain the audience and not make them bored. All those things are important during your speech. You should talk about Vital topics and current topics to be easier and have many details too elaborate with. Many things to avoid in your speech is exhausting topics and don't try to insult your audience. How to become an effective speaker starts off by growing the confidence, having passion, being able to tell a story and back up your main idea and not run out of things to say. Planning your presentation is easy by using these steps. First you have to gather information about your topic. You have to plan to be organize cause you can't be everywhere in your presentation because then its gonna be horrible and you could confuse and lose the audience. A good way to get better in a 1 to 1 interview is by interviewing a classmate. You could write down some questions to ask and collect the answers. Ask basic questions but try to step out of them and ask other type of questions. Demonstration a presentation could be a really good one to listen to cause this one could help you out in the future. This one you have to collect many details about the topic and you may have to use a poster or a powerpoint so they could see your idea or vision. After you put in all that work about your idea you have to go back and look into it and review and if you may have to change things up. Try to write about topics that you like not something that you don't enjoy. 

We'll be now in group 3 where we're trying presenting to inform the audience. Informative presentation is helping out the audience understand what you are talking about and understanding the topic. If you are talking about a car for example, you will need to let the people know about the color of the car and the futures that it comes with. Also what type of engine does it come with. The purpose of informative presentation is for the audience to understand, remember, and apply. They will need to understand the information that you are talking about so you will need to put in a lot of details and examples so they could know what it is all about. The audience will need to remember how they could use that information in the future. The audience will need to know how they could be able to apply that information in their life. For example, if your topic is about how they need to act during an interview, they could use those examples that you gave out and use them cause they could probably score their dream job with your presentation. People could learn information by speaking clearly and building on the known, using humor, being organized, and rewarding the audience. These type of presentation are mostly used in business for displaying a project and showing the key main details about it. For example if the architect is showing us the images of the bridge that he made, he will need to show us how it would look where were gonna build it and the materials used for it as well. He will also need to show the colors and dimensions of the bridge. A good examples to use charts, graphs, and questions and answers. Using charts could help you see how much you could be making back like the profits. Using questions and answers is a really good idea because you answer the most asked things in your presentation and they don't need to ask you. The principles of speaking is to not mislead the audience. Thats a good one because if you are explaining to them about a car and telling them all its features, they shouldn't be thinking about a house or about a building. They need to know exactly what you'r talking about. They need to be picturing it in their minds and knowing the details. Making a thesis statement could express the primary idea of your speech. To make an effective group presentation you need to be creative and coordinated. being creative shouldn't be too hard because you just need to show your main idea and make everything look good. Being coordinated is easy as well because you need everything to fall into place and not distract yourself from something else. Groups should plan its workflow because it would make the job so much easier and not as stressful if it was all on you to do. You need to split the work into the amount of members there is in the group. You should assign roles in the presentation. 

Making groups projects could be difficult and time consuming because due to the amount of times each member has through out the day. But there is many solutions to that and helping one another is the perfect help.
