Global Citizenship Blog


Global Citizenship
By: Jennie Rodriguez

First and foremost, I really enjoyed this project and I feel that I have ended this project with more knowledge of the distinct subjects than before, especially now since I feel like I have stepped out of my comfort zone and will now be more relaxed when it comes to speaking publicly. This project was a way for me and all my classmates to be more informed of the several factors that play a role in global citizenship and how it all ties in as a whole, no matter where you are in the world. It provides as a call to action for us as people to step in and make a change.

Group 1:

I will begin with the elaboration of Group 1 which spoke about Child Poverty, an issue we face prominently around the world. Ashley Montero was our first classmate up, and she had a presentation that ran very smoothly, and introduced us perfectly in a way where we fully understood the basic premise of the topic and provided us with some factual statistics of the issue. Next was Camille Chantellenaz, who her group had a few troubles presenting her part but effectively cooperated and worked through the issue, providing us with further statistics and the causes of the issue such as inadequate access to food and water as well as inequality and job difficulties. Bruno Villacrez was next and he spoke about the statistics of child poverty and how they are the poorest age group in America, emphasizing how much age and ethnicity play a role. Writing about the effects of poverty on education was Amanda Morales who also provided us with ways that we can help them and organizations we can donate to. Amalimar Ferreira introduced the point of gender roles and how it plays a factor in poverty because of the unfair wage gap males and females face. Next, was my classmate Andres Mercado who actually tied his part into my presentation, which I think immensely helped in the end allowing the listener to see just how much things connect when it comes to global citizenship. He emphasizes the dangers of wildfires, crop failures, river floods, droughts, and how it is such a burden in children's lives, causing building destructions, lack of food, no access to clean water, which all digs a clear pathway to worsening health. Alexandra Blanco was next up and she brought up such an important point which relates especially to us now since she speaks about COVID-19 and how much of an obstruction it is causing. She presents us with several statistics on the outbreaks of the virus, how many individuals it has affected, how much it has caused child poverty by country, etc. Towards the end, this group provides us with governmental services and programs that assist those that have been directly affected by child poverty. This was such a perfect inclusion because it acts as a call to action, also adding credibility to their presentation and motivating the listener to lend a helping hand. Group 1 did an exceptional job explaining their topic, I have no complaints!

Group 2:

Group 2 is my group and I just want to being by emphasizing that we work extremely well together and everyone is always open to lend a helping hand. Introducing us, was Rebecca Leon which she did an exceptional job, using such sophisticated vocabulary and highlighting the importance of our topic. First to present the slides was me, I explained what global warming was alongside Jonathan Acosta and Emmanuel Bosmenier, we did all of our slides in an organized way and whenever one of us had any doubt or needed some assistance on what to elaborate on, we were there to help each other. Jonathan did a great job in his slide since he presented true real world effects of the human carbon fingerprint and the specifics of the effects, and Emmanuel provided important charts and statistics that helped us to put climate change into perspective with exact measurements. Elizabeth Bracho, Imayaray Pino, and Idalia Serrano, were up next and they presented the primary causes of global warming. Their slides were very pleasing to the eye and organized in such a manner where it kept the listener interested, and they also spoke and elaborated in a way where the listener could understand exactly what their points were. Elizabeth provided a video which also helped her in explaining her point of the causes. David Rodriguez, Gavin Garcia, and Enrique Diaz de Villegas were given the responsibility of explaining the major impacts, and I liked how they kept their slides short and simple and just used their own minds and background knowledge to elaborate, this makes the listener know that the presenter is educated on their topic and is able to answer any questions one may have. Lastly was Ivan Ramirez, Grace, and Jeffrey who presented on things we can do to reduce our carbon footprint on the globe. This brought things into perspective for us because it plays the role of a call to action for the listener and gives us incentive to do better. My teammates did such a good job on each of their roles and I'm looking forward to working with them in the future!

Group 3:

Last, but definitely not least, we have group 3 which analyzed career paths and its correlation to global citizenship. Lisa was first and I can definitely say that she never disappoints, she always goes above and beyond for her group. She explained mental health, how common it is among individuals , and how many different types exist. During her presentation, she played a video that had a bit of trouble with its audio, but group 3, as always, cooperated and worked as a team to resolve this issue, and her video was very interesting and straight to the point helping us understand how each and every person has mental health they deal with on a daily basis. Next was Liz and her classmate who spoke about the pandemic and how it relates to mental health, this is such an important topic since it is such a prominent issue occurring in present times, and shows us the specifics of how much mental health has been affected by the pandemic. They specify the levels of anxiety, depression, suicide, and drug overdoses which allows us to understand how the populace is being greatly affected, and provide the effects before and after. Justina Santucho, Joshua Picado, Michael Caballero, and Leonardo Fernandez presented business wear and I like how they provided photos of themselves in business attire, this adds to their credibility and really shows their dedication to the project. Last up was Lucas Costa, Jose Santana, and Tommy Bernardo who demonstrated the importance of being career ready and provided us with specific qualities that are essential such as critical thinking, communicative skills, leadership, professionalism, etc. Group 3 did an excellent job with staying focused and their presentation was very clear, A+!

In essence, this presentation assignment was a true eye opener and learning experience for me. It taught me countless things to keep in mind not only in this class, but in my daily life. It truly brought many things into perspective and allowed me to learn about many different topics in order to be a well rounded individual. Thank you all so much for this experience and I hope we can continue to have such positive experiences moving forward!


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