Global Citizenship Blog

 Global Citizenship Blog
By: Jonathan Acosta

    During this very informative global citizenship project we all learned information that was taught to us by different groups. This blog will consist of a general overview of all the groups and their presentations.

    First and foremost, I want to congratulate all the groups and their members for doing a fantastic  job on their slides and presentations. It was a wonderful learning experience to have as a class since we really went into detail about some of the major events that we face as citizens of the globe. All the groups did their own research on issues they found interesting and elaborated thoroughly on the topic they chose. I want to thank Professor Sinkoff for presenting us with this amazing opportunity as it really brought things into perspective for everyone about several different topics. I learned so much from this project and gained so much more knowledge about things that might not affect me personally, but can affect somebody else. We as humans can work together and help each other to try and put a stop on all these issues that are currently going on in our planet. Overall, this project was a way to provide the public with awareness on these issues and acts as a call to action for individuals to be motivated to make a change for the better. I would like to thank all the friends and family members and also our very special professors for taking their time to come and listen to our presentations. It was a very heartwarming experience especially with Professor Sinkoff's very kind words at the end.

Group 1:

    To begin, group 1 had an amazing presentation as they elaborated on child poverty, a substantial issue that we are currently facing today all around the world. As we can see in Ashley Montero’s slides, she provides us with what child poverty really means and also provides us with some useful statistics on the subject. Seeing these statistics really shows how the world has a lot of people that are in need of their basic life necessities such as food, water, hygiene items, etc. I really enjoyed hearing Ashley Montero give out her presentation as it was very straight to the point and her bullet points were very helpful. The second group member, Camille Chantellenaz unfortunately was unable to present during class but her group members worked as a team to get past the issue and they read off the educational information she provided on her slide about the causes of poverty. The next presenter , Bruno Villacrez presented his topic about the child poverty rates in the United States. His statistics really put things into perspective and helped me further my understanding of how much child poverty there is currently all around the world. It was very unfortunate to hear, but it is a reality that is currently happening in this world and we must take immediate action as a team, as leaders, and as a society. The next presenter Amanda Morales did a very good job at explaining her topic on how poverty affects kids' education. I am a strong believer that kids should have a good education no matter the circumstance since education in today's society is such an important asset in everyone’s life. What I loved most about Amanda Morales' presentation is when she introduced all the places that help the kids in need. She states some organizations such as Save the Children, NCCP, End child poverty, and Childfund. All of these charity organizations help kids and young adults that are facing poverty and help them in achieving their goals and making their dreams come true. I would like to give a round of applause to group 1 for the phenomenal work they did. They really went above and beyond in regards to their elaboration on the subject!

Group 2: 

    To continue, group 2 is the group that I was working with. I would like to start off by saying how amazing this group tends to work together and help each other at all times. We began working on our presentations ever since it was assigned to us and we were always revising and editing it to make sure our presentation was up to par. Our first presenter in my group was Jennie Rodriguez, she did an outstanding job throughout her presentation as she really went into detail about what in fact is global warming. We were group members, so we decided to put a video that gave an overview of what global warming was. She introduced the video, and I elaborated on it, providing specific information of our human fingerprint. After she presented, it was my part in continuing on defining global warming, and I can undoubtedly say that with the time and experience that I've had in this class, I have definitely become a better presenter and I no longer get nervous, but of course, there is always room to improve my public speaking skills. After I presented, my classmate Emmanuel Bosmenier was up next, and he provided lots of visual content in his slides which was very appealing to the eye, and helps people that are visual learners understand the context clearly. He really went into detail on what the pictures and statistics he gave us meant. I really enjoyed listening to the presentation of my classmate Idilia Serrano since she went over what the primary causes of global warming were and provided the effects of deforestation, and how agriculture has affected global warming. This part in her presentation really caught my attention and it surely emphasizes an important matter since it brings so many real world instances into perspective for the listeners. We tend to not know much about these subjects, but this presentation shows us how regular, everyday habits such as brushing your teeth and leaving the water on, or showering for an extended period of time can affect the environment tremendously. I really enjoyed working with my group. They are all very helpful and we learned many new things about global warming and what we can do to decrease it greatly. I really look forward to working with them again in our next project!

Group 3

    Last but not least, group 3 did a great job during the presentation. They talked about how career paths and mental health play such an influential role in global citizenship, presenting their information in an extremely organized and formal presentation. Lisa, the group leader, was first up to present, and I really enjoyed how determined she is to help each and every one of her group members. She spoke about all the different types of mental disorders that exist and how they can relate to many people in this world. She also explained some places that offer help and assistance if anybody needs or wants to simply reach out and talk to somebody about what they are going through. I really think that Lisa providing such information was a kind gesture because not a lot of people know that they can seek help, which causes them to bottle up what they feel and that's something that can be dangerous and could not end well, so providing people with these organizations can be very beneficial to their mental health overall. The next presenter for Group 3 was Liz, and she spoke about how the pandemic greatly affected many people's mental health. The pandemic caused a multitude of people to lose their jobs and loved ones, and this all plays a role in mental health and how it affects everyone on a daily basis. Lastly, Lucas Costa spoke about how career readiness is extremely important, and specified which qualities were significant such as teamwork, leadership, professionalism, and career management skills. He elaborated on how important it is in today’s society to have a well-paying job and we can see this ties into group 1's presentation about poverty since they go hand in hand. Group 3 did an outstanding job with their presentation as they got their point across very clearly.

    All in all, this project was a very big eye opener for most people. It made me realize how much these things affect people all around the world and it's our responsibility to help each other and put a stop to all these issues that we as individuals or the society itself is facing. This project taught me a lot of different things and I'm very appreciative of it. I would once again like to thank Professor Sinkoff for assigning us and assisting us throughout this project and all my classmates for enlightening me with all this information. Looking forward to learning more in this class!

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