Global Citizenship Blog

 Global Citizenship Blog

Gavin Garcia

Introduction to this project: This project was assigned for every group to choose a topic that they all believe we need to make a change about. It could be a current issue or an issue that the world has been struggling with for a while. Each group took time into their own hands to put as much information as they could to persuade the audience to get up and make a change. Each group also had to present again at a very crowded zoom call with quite a lot of people.

Group One (Child Poverty): Group one came out to first discuss the large issue regarding child poverty and how it is an issue that is worldwide. Although it might not be every day that you see a child alone in the streets, the possibility is still there and group one goes over how this issue can be solved. Ashley begins the presentation by describing the true definition behind child poverty and what children should be considered poor and living in poverty. Based off of Camille's research it seems that a lot of children are not born into poverty. Only 7% exactly, which makes you wonder how these people end up this way. Camille also continues to explain on the next slide how a lot of Americans think drugs/alcohol and poor life decisions lead to poverty to a lot of people. Bruno also did a great job of describing using the numbers and statistics to explain poverty in the USA. It was a wonderful slide with a whole lot of useful information with numbers to back up the argument. Alejandro continued the presentation by also writing two slides loaded with numbers and charts to help the audience understand the percentages and numbers of children living in poverty. Amanda explains how child poverty interrupts these children from completing their years in school. Resulting in them being behind in class and struggling to complete their courses or the worst which is dropping out and not being able to receive their Diploma. As the presentation continued videos were shown to help the audience understand child poverty. Overall this group did a great job presenting and did an even better job getting all their statistics and facts together on the slides. 

Group Two (Global Warming): Jennie begins the presentation by describing the Google definition of what Global Warming is. Jonathan also continues the presentation by explaining in detail the true definition of global warming and going into detail by explaining what goes on during global warming. Emmanuel speaks on how human beings are the main cause of global warming by heat-trapping gases that warm the entire planet resulting in a lot of issues. Elizabeth backs Emmanuel up by explaining more causes of global warming and explaining which issues are in our control. She explains in detail by speaking a lot and referencing the images she had placed throughout her slides. David did a great job of explaining the major effects of climate change. He went over each bullet point and explained each one in great detail. Enrique continued these effects by explaining the total cost of all these issues regarding Global Warming. And explains how the world has spent over $23 Trillion on global warming. Ivan explains how we can work together to avoid all of these disasters and saves billions or even trillions of dollars if we start now. Overall group two had a very interesting topic and did a great job explaining the topic with images and videos. It was a very hands-on presentation and it was amazing to work with these people on my side. 

Group Three (Global Citizen): Lisa begins this presentation by explaining the most common types of mental disorders. She also includes who you can reach out to if you need help and included a little video explaining how every human has mental health and it is important to keep it healthy. Liz and her classmate begin to explain how mental health was affected during the pandemic and how people dealt with mental disorders. She explains how a lot of cases of mental disorders increased by people being forced to stay inside and not see the ones they love the most. Resulting in depression and separation anxiety from seeing the people you are used to seeing almost daily. Their entire group was also very creative to include all of them in business attire and it really showed how they cooperated and really worked together throughout the presentation. Throughout that slide, multiple group members work together to explain the importance of business wear and how putting on formal clothing can change the way people see you. They also explain how it is important for you to be aware of the weather conditions to make sure you dress properly according to the weather. To inform the audience of what is considered business attire and create a list for people of both genders to see their options of attire. Overall this group really demonstrated the strengths that come with teamwork and how working together can really help the audience understand you better. 

Conclusion of this project: In conclusion, I think every group did a great job of putting all the information together and letting everyone get their time to speak and introduce their slides. I feel like the effectiveness of working together is really reflected in every group's presentation. I was not disappointed by any speaker or any slide in any of the three groups that presented. I feel like the use of bullet points and images or visual aids really helped the speaker get the audience's attention. This was a great way to inform people while making sure they improve their speaking skills when speaking in front of a lot of people. I hope as they present more and more in their lives all of these group members bypass the fear of speaking and gain the courage to speak without a nerve. Overall a great discussion and great topics were selected to speak about. All three groups gave great speeches and I could not be more proud to be a part of this class!  

