Global Citizenship Blog

 Global Citizenship 

By: Elizabeth Bracho

This project was a good way to learn about important topics. I found the research interesting as well as useful. Hearing all the different topics helped me learn about different issues and what I can do to help. The event made me feel more knowledgeable on all the topics discussed. Having topics that have weight to them encourages me thoroughly research my topic, and deliver the best speech I can. 

Group 1: 

 Group one presented on child poverty. This is an issue that affects all corners of the world. I believe that when a lot of people hear child poverty, they immediately think about third-world countries. Although third-world countries do face devastating amounts of child poverty, people face these issues in the states as well. Ashley Montero started off with the definition of child poverty, which is children with a lack or limit to basic needs. She explained that for a child to be considered being under the poverty line, he or she would need to live in a household that makes less than 60% of the average median household income. Camille Chatellenaz discussed the causes of poverty. In her slide, she included a very good pie graph that clearly displayed how easy it is to enter poverty. She also included bullet points and explained how factors such as little access to jobs and equality can cause poverty. Bruno Villacrez spoke on child poverty rates specifically in America. He provided striking statistics like how out of 10 million children, one in seven would be poor and homeless. Alejandro Perez Followed the rates of child poverty across the globe. His slide had a very nice layout. I liked how he added arrows to highlight each point. He discussed the top three countries with the highest rates of child poverty, as well as how across the globe one billion children are multidimensionally poor. Next was Amanda Morales, who shared how child poverty affects education. She discussed how poverty hinders a child's readiness for school as well as how children facing poverty tend to be academically behind. She also shared different ways we can help these children. Everyone did an amazing job getting their points across. The slides were organized and had great statistics and resources. 

Group 2: 

Group two presented on global warming. Jennie Rodriguez presented what global warming is. She provided the google definition of global warming, which is climate change that includes both human-induced global warming and its large-scale impacts on weather patterns. She explained how global warming is the increase of heat on earth mostly due to human activities and the greenhouse effect. Idilia Serrano shared the primary causes of global warming. She provided organized bullet points. Idilia explained that the main cause of global warming is humans. Burning fossil fuels like coal and generating electricity all release carbon dioxide into the atmosphere. Gavin Garcia spoke on the impacts of global warming. In his bullet points, he included major heat increases, pollution in the air, and poor water quality. He also provided a picture that showed other impacts, such as asthma and malnutrition. Enrique Diaz de Villegas spoke on the cost of the major effects of global warming. He shared shocking statistics like how in the United States alone, climate change has cost approximately 75 billion dollars in food damages alone! He added an informative video with different people discussing the impacts of climate change that I found informative as well as interesting. Next, Ivan Ramirez spoke on how to avoid climate disasters. He shared actions we can take as individuals such as; saving energy at home, recycling, and taking public transport. He also discussed how the government can help and what they should do to avoid climate change. Group two was my group and I think we all did an amazing job! Everyone included great statistics, videos, and pictures. I believe everyone came across knowledgeable on our topic. We provided good information as well as ways we can all fight climate change.

Group 3:

 Group three presented on career paths. This group looked into job paths and their links to global citizenship. Lisa was the first, and I can assure you that she never fails to impress; she always goes above and above for her group. She discussed mental health, including how frequent it is among people and how many distinct sorts there are. Her video was really engaging and straight to the point, helping us understand how everyone has mental health issues that they deal with on a daily basis. The next speaker was Liz, who spoke on the pandemic and how it relates to mental health. This is such an important topic since it is such a prevalent issue in today's world, and it shows us the intricacies of how the epidemic has affected mental health. They detail the levels of anxiety, sadness, suicide, and drug overdoses, allowing us to see how the general public is affected and the consequences before and after. Justina Santucho, Joshua Picado, Michael Caballero, and Leonardo Fernandez presented on professional clothes, and I like how they included images of themselves in business attire; it adds credibility and demonstrates their commitment to the project. Last but not least, Lucas Costa, Jose Santana, and Tommy Bernardo emphasized the importance of being job-ready and gave us particular attributes to look for, such as critical thinking, communicative skills, leadership, professionalism, and so on. This group did an incredible job! Their slides were organized and looked great. They included informative videos, statistics, and their layout was easy to read and pleasing to the eye. I especially liked them including themselves as examples. 

In the end, this assignment was an eye-opening and educational experience for me. It taught me a lot of things that I can use in my daily life, not only in this class. It truly put a lot of things into perspective for me and helped me to learn about a variety of topics that I can use to improve myself with. I want to thank Professor Sherri for the experience of this event as well as my classmates for providing such interesting presentations!😸
