Reflections on the Course

                                        Reflections on the Course


 In this course I was able to learn more about the importance of scholarships. Professor K., at the beginning of the semester, showed us a varied list of scholarships to which we could apply, and that could help us in the near future. We were instructed to create an essay about some significant endeavor since this would help us later to apply for different scholarships. We were able to learn that when we apply for scholarships we should not only be focused on how it would help us individually, but also the school, the family or the community. Search Free College Scholarships Financial Aid Grants  Scholarships College Scholarship Free Scholarships



  For my Service-Learning I choose PAWS4you, an animal shelter that allowed me to take care of rescuing and caring for dogs, also I was able to help them find a home where they can be loved. There is a lot of impact that an agency like this can have on a community. Every year more than two hundred dogs are adopted in this agency.  I could feel what it is like to belong to a community of people who selflessly put their lifetime at the disposal of helping in this beautiful cause. I gave the best of me so that those beautiful dogs find their forever home.   


  In this course I was also able to learn more about the importance of networking. I was able to create a plan that would allow me to expand my contacts and thus establish relationships that can bring opportunities for me or even for my colleagues. I learned that exchanging information, advice, and support on challenges, experiences, and goals is a key benefit of networking because it allows you to gain new insights that you may not have otherwise thought of. 

The Importance of Networking as a Student | by Soukayna Ikhiche | The  Faculty | Medium


 In this section, I was able to learn many things related to leadership. How important it is when developing and carrying out projects in a professional way. It is also very important when it comes to involving and motivating the members of a project. In this semester I created a plan to develop and put into practice the skills necessary for leadership.

Leadership on Behance


                                                                                     Overall Course:

 This course has been very informative for me, and for having been away from school for more than 4 years I think I was able to feel comfortable quite easily even though I am not 100% fluent in English. Although it is the end of this class, I know it is only the beginning, because everything I learned here will be useful in my future. Thank you Professor K.

Finish - Arevik d'Or
