
Reflections on the Course

                                        Re fl ec ti ons on the Co ur se                                                                                           Scholarships:  In this course I was able to learn more about the importance of scholarships. Professor K., at the beginning of the semester, showed us a varied list of scholarships to which we could apply, and that could help us in the near future. We were instructed to create an essay about some significant endeavor since this would help us later to apply for different scholarships. We were able to learn that when we apply for scholarships we should not only be focused on how it would help us individually, but also the school, the family or the community.                                                                                                                                                                      Service:   For my Service-Learning I choose PAWS4you, an animal shelter that allowed me to take care of res

Global Citizenship Blog

      G l o b a l C i t i z e n s h i p   by: Ivan Ramirez                       This project has been the result of long months of teamwork, it was the perfect opportunity to summarize and highlight the teachings of Professor Sinkoff. In it we address current global issues; Group 1 talked about child poverty, Group 2 talked about climate change, and Group 3 talked about mental health. This project was special to me in the sense that it addresses issues of global interest, and for me it is important that an open and honest dialogue be maintained in schools on these issues if we wish in the future to be able to fix what is presented to us as a current threat. We, future professionals, must know what these problems are, always maintaining an ethical attitude and critical thinking that guides us towards the best solutions to these problems. It was very interesting what my classmates said during their respective presentations. We also had the help of the moderators who made possible an o

Global Citizenship Blog

 Global Citizenship Blog Gavin Garcia Introduction to this project: This project was assigned for every group to choose a topic that they all believe we need to make a change about. It could be a current issue or an issue that the world has been struggling with for a while. Each group took time into their own hands to put as much information as they could to persuade the audience to get up and make a change. Each group also had to present again at a very crowded zoom call with quite a lot of people. Group One (Child Poverty): Group one came out to first discuss the large issue regarding child poverty and how it is an issue that is worldwide. Although it might not be every day that you see a child alone in the streets, the possibility is still there and group one goes over how this issue can be solved. Ashley begins the presentation by describing the true definition behind child poverty and what children should be considered poor and living in poverty. Based off of Camille's resea

Global Citizenship Blog

  Global Citizenship  By: Elizabeth Bracho This project was a good way to learn about important topics. I found the research interesting as well as useful. Hearing all the different topics helped me learn about different issues and what I can do to help. The event made me feel more knowledgeable on all the topics discussed. Having topics that have weight to them encourages me thoroughly research my topic, and deliver the best speech I can.  Group 1:   Group one presented on child poverty. This is an issue that affects all corners of the world. I believe that when a lot of people hear child poverty, they immediately think about third-world countries. Although third-world countries do face devastating amounts of child poverty, people face these issues in the states as well. Ashley Montero started off with the definition of child poverty, which is children with a lack or limit to basic needs. She explained that for a child to be considered being under the poverty line, he or she would nee

Global Citizenship Blog

  Global Citizenship Blog By: Jonathan Acosta      During this very informative global citizenship project we all learned information that was taught to us by different groups. This blog will consist of a general overview of all the groups and their presentations.     First and foremost, I want to congratulate all the groups and their members for doing a fantastic  job on their slides and presentations. It was a wonderful learning experience to have as a class since we really went into detail about some of the major events that we face as citizens of the globe. All the groups did their own research on issues they found interesting and elaborated thoroughly on the topic they chose. I want to thank Professor Sinkoff for presenting us with this amazing opportunity as it really brought things into perspective for everyone about several different topics. I learned so much from this project and gained so much more knowledge about things that might not affect me personally, but can affect som

Global Citizenship Blog

  Global Citizenship By: Jennie Rodriguez First and foremost, I really enjoyed this project and I feel that I have ended this project with more knowledge of the distinct subjects than before, especially now since I feel like I have stepped out of my comfort zone and will now be more relaxed when it comes to speaking publicly. This project was a way for me and all my classmates to be more informed of the several factors that play a role in global citizenship and how it all ties in as a whole, no matter where you are in the world. It provides as a call to action for us as people to step in and make a change. Group 1: I will begin with the elaboration of Group 1 which spoke about Child Poverty, an issue we face prominently around the world. Ashley Montero was our first classmate up, and she had a presentation that ran very smoothly, and introduced us perfectly in a way where we fully understood the basic premise of the topic and provided us with some factual statistics of the issue. Next

group presentation blog

 Presenting a presentation could be frighten and many people suffer from anxiety. But you could get better in front of people and not get scared anymore but it takes practice and repetition. My classmates made presentations about how many things could help you out and become an expert at presenting in front of many people. Theres many details and information to get into.  We started off in groups 1 where is starting it off Alexandra that she wrote out about about 74% of people suffer from anxiety and more women than men. Many famous people are known for public speaking like Elon Musk. Studying public speaking is really important because it can help you in the future. You will start to build up your confidence and getting the hang of the pressure of having many people looking at you and being scared of saying something wrong and messing everything wrong. The 7 components of communication process are: A source, receiver, message, channel, feedback, situation, and noise. with those things